Business Directory Business Directory Page 123

Business Directory Business directory Page 123

> Business Directory

Business Directory entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with informations of contact-data, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Business Directory entries

There were 1557977 entries found


1180 Rue Du Ham 82 Brussels B


Spijker 55
2910 Essen Antwerpen B

 32 3 6677160
 32 3 6676151

1040 Avenue Des Arts Bruxelles


1070 Avenue J. Wybranlaan 40 Brussels Bruxelles B

 32 555 6288
 32 555 6338


Rijksweg 7
2870 Puurs B

 32 03 889 32 41
 32 03 889 71 84

Rijksweg 7
2870 Puurs B

 32 03 889 32 41
 32 03 889 71 84

Rijksweg 7
2870 Puurs


Boulevard Saint Michel 79
1040 Brussels

 32 2 743 40 50
 32 2 732 51 02

Rode Beuk 3
2640 Mortsel


Rummenweg 179
3540 Herk-de-stad Limburg


6983 30 Nisramont La-roche-en-ardenne Bbe

 32 67 84 04 60
 32 67 84 31 93

2900 Fluitbergstraat 66/5 Schoten Be B

 32 (0)2 346 96 93
 32 (0)2 346 63 04

3000 Hungaria Building Vaartkom 31 / 2nd Fl. Leuven Bra Bbe

 32 16 50 37 50
 32 16 50 37 50

3000 Hungaria Building Vaartkom 31 / 2nd Fl. Leuven Bra Bbe

 32 16 50 37 50
 32 16 50 37 50

Vossendreef 4
1180 /16 Brussels Bra B

 32 16 50 37 50 +32 16 50 37 50

Vossendreef 4
1180 /16 Brussels Bra B

 32 16 50 37 50 +32 16 50 37 50

Vossendreef 4
1180 /16 Brussels Bra B

 32 16 50 37 50 +32 16 50 37 50

Kaudenaardestraat 13
1700 Dilbeek Bra

 32 (0)56 269100
 32 (0)56 269109

7000 Parc Initialis Rue Rene Descartes 20 Mons Hainaut B


Cardijnstraat 36 Essen
2910 Be



Cities & surrounding

Business Directory branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Business Directory in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 4 were updated and 6 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Business Directory December 2024Diagram Business DirectoryDiagram Business Directory December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Business Directory with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Business Directory 2024Statistics Business DirectoryStatistics Business Directory 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics