Data banks Business Directory Page 12

Data banks Business directory Page 12

> Business Directory > Business Services > Data banks

Business entries of Data banks are gathered here with contact-address, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Data banks entries

There were 527 entries found


Rue De Herve 202
4030 Liège 1 (grivegnée)

 04 361 15 50 04 361 30 60
 04 361 30 60 04 361 15 50

Rue Du Petit Paradis 6
1320 Beauvechain (hamme-mille)

 010 81 46 95 0477 19 26 16
 010 81 46 96

Houtelweg 1
2310 Rijkevorsel


Sint-laureinsesteenweg 10
9900 Eeklo

 09 327 09 29


Parc Ind. Des Hauts Sarts
4040 Herstal

 04 264 84 70
 04 248 18 00

Krijgsbaan 241
2070 Zwijndrecht

 03 253 20 10
 03 253 20 19

Koningin Astridlaan 8-10
2830 Willebroek

 03 886 21 20
 03 886 27 94

Rue Des Fleuristes 5
1082 Bruxelles (berchem-sainte-agathe)

 02 331 44 83 02 377 96 50 02 465 10 00 02 465 9
 02 377 52 56 02 465 04 53

P.i. Des Hauts Sarts 4e Av 56
4040 Herstal


Meentakstraat 2 C
8760 Meulebeke

 051 48 94 21

Bolwerklaan 21
1210 Sint-joost-ten-node/saint-josse-ten-noode


Grote Markt 15
3700 Tongeren

 012 23 25 95
 012 23 25 85

Heirbaan 68
2640 Mortsel

 03 440 76 26
 03 440 46 56

Koolskampstraat 57 B
8830 Hooglede (gits)

 051 72 37 67
 051 72 37 67 051 72 55 19

Industriezone 6
9770 Kruishoutem

 09 388 97 11
 09 388 63 02

Avenue De Heppignies 36
6220 Fleurus (heppignies)

 071 37 67 19

Chaussée De Ninove 85-93
1080 Bruxelles (molenbeek-saint-jean)

 02 410 42 25
 02 410 39 60

Hoogserleistraat 3
8700 Tielt

 051 40 06 73
 051 40 68 45

L.a. Schockaertstraat 41
1600 Sint-pieters-leeuw

 02 378 00 18
 02 378 00 18 02 377 41 31

Avenue Du Gris Moulin 23
1310 La Hulpe


<< 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 >>


Cities & surrounding

Data banks branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Data banks in this month. This month 13 companies were registered, 26 were updated and 13 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Data banks March 2025Diagram Data banksDiagram Data banks March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Data banks with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Data banks 2025Statistics Data banksStatistics Data banks 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics