Interpreters, conference Business Directory Page 7

Interpreters, conference Business directory Page 7

> Business Directory > Business Services > Translating and Interpreting > Interpreters, conference

Interpreters, conference entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with informations of contact-address, operation hours and experience reports. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Interpreters, conference entries

There were 317 entries found


Pollaertstraat 2
8610 Kortemark (handzame)

 051 46 47 79 051 56 74 29 051 57 07 07
 051 56 74 60

Nieuwstraat 40
3140 Keerbergen

 015 23 56 96
 015 23 56 96

Rue Général Fivé 86
1040 Bruxelles (etterbeek)

 02 742 30 44
 02 742 30 44

Rue Major Pétillon 25
1040 Bruxelles (etterbeek)

 02 732 27 18
 02 732 27 18


Rue Félix De Keuster 69
1150 Bruxelles (woluwe-saint-pierre)

 02 779 09 99
 02 779 09 99

Rue Saint-boniface 17
1050 Bruxelles (ixelles)

 02 511 72 85
 02 511 72 85

Boulevard Barthélémy 37
1000 Bruxelles

 02 512 32 33 02 512 35 23
 02 514 08 83

Klein Hoefblad 13
1700 Dilbeek

 02 466 34 53 0477 58 40 95
 02 466 34 53

Rue Edouard Deknoop 37
1140 Bruxelles (evere)

 02 216 42 42
 02 245 65 69

Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 260r Box 21
2020 Antwerpen

 03 294 33 86

Olmenstraat 64
1930 Zaventem

 02 725 23 70
 02 725 49 33

Rue Africaine 92
1060 Bruxelles (saint-gilles)

 02 537 20 70 0800 937 25
 02 537 48 18

Lange Minnestraat 121
9280 Lebbeke

 052 35 10 64

Rue De L'indépendance 34
7000 Mons

 065 35 12 73
 065 35 12 73 065 33 41 42

Chemin Des Hochequeues 20
1380 Lasne (lasne-chapelle-saint-lambert)

 02 633 28 05
 02 633 28 05

Avenue Des Arts 36
1040 Bruxelles (etterbeek)

 02 513 92 74
 02 512 22 36

Stationsstraat 27
9060 Zelzate

 09 342 90 07
 09 342 81 17

Rue Henri Vieuxtemps 52
1070 Bruxelles (anderlecht)

 02 520 36 85
 02 520 36 85

Grand Route 24-26
6990 Hotton (marenne)

 084 31 57 01
 084 31 57 01

Rue Verboeckhaven 55
1210 Bruxelles (saint-josse-ten-noode)

 02 216 89 46

<< 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >>


Cities & surrounding

Interpreters, conference branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Interpreters, conference in this month. This month 17 companies were registered, 50 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Interpreters, conference March 2025Diagram Interpreters, conferenceDiagram Interpreters, conference March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Interpreters, conference with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Interpreters, conference 2025Statistics Interpreters, conferenceStatistics Interpreters, conference 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics