Models for the building industry Business Directory Page 4

Models for the building industry Business directory Page 4

> Business Directory > Construction and Public Works > Construction > Models for the building industry

Business entries of Models for the building industry are gathered here with informations of contact-data, opening hours and reviews of customers. You can register your own business entry or association on this page.

Models for the building industry entries

There were 142 entries found


Koopvaardijlaan 30
9000 Gent

 09 233 83 14
 09 225 51 29

Avenue Georges Henri 428
1200 Bruxelles (woluwe-saint-lambert)

 02 736 65 89 02 736 99 70
 02 736 99 70

Rue Joseph Vanderweye 37
4432 Ans (alleur)

 04 263 97 06 0478 22 58 62 0499 12 69 72
 04 263 97 06

Bosschaert De Bouwellei 75
2100 Antwerpen (deurne)

 03 325 76 37


Lavendelstraat 24
2060 Antwerpen

 03 236 85 31
 03 236 85 31

Rue Pierre Michaux 63
4683 Oupeye (vivegnis)

 04 240 47 50
 04 240 47 50

Avenue De Roodebeek 199
1030 Bruxelles (schaerbeek)

 02 736 16 16
 02 736 16 16

Hendrik Consciencelaan 23
2640 Mortsel

 03 234 10 49

Koninklijkelaan 29
2600 Antwerpen (berchem)

 03 239 95 21
 03 239 95 39

Rue Du Diamant 1
4000 Liège 1

 04 221 00 10 0475 75 79 04

Koolsveldlaan 56
2110 Wijnegem

 03 353 88 81
 03 353 88 81

Rue D'espagne 75
1060 Bruxelles (saint-gilles)

 02 539 36 60
 02 539 36 60 02 539 19 60

Borgval 3
1000 Bruxelles

 02 513 41 13
 02 513 41 13

Rue Royale 35
7141 Morlanwelz (carnières)

 064 44 66 81
 064 44 11 49

Assesteenweg 188
1742 Ternat (sint-katherina-lombeek)

 02 306 67 84

Boulevard De La Sauvenière 88
4000 Liège 1

 04 223 75 86
 04 221 05 68

Avenue De La Floride 38
1180 Bruxelles (uccle)

 02 374 96 47
 02 374 96 47

Avenue Des Celtes 20
1040 Bruxelles (etterbeek)

 02 732 17 97
 02 732 30 18

A.preud'hommelaan 10
1880 Kapelle-op-den-bos (ramsdonk)

 015 71 31 75

Sint-truidersteenweg 249
3500 Hasselt

 011 87 27 71

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Cities & surrounding

Models for the building industry branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Models for the building industry in this month. This month 34 companies were registered, 37 were updated and 68 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Models for the building industry March 2025Diagram Models for the building industryDiagram Models for the building industry March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Models for the building industry with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Models for the building industry 2025Statistics Models for the building industryStatistics Models for the building industry 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics