Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling Business Directory

Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling Business directory

> Business Directory > Business Services > Environment > Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling

Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing informations of contact-data, opening hours and ratings. You can enlist your own business entry or organization on this page.

Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling entries

There were 17 entries found


Langendam 77 Ba
9940 Evergem


Schotensteenweg 116
2960 Brecht


Heirbaan 1
2640 Mortsel


Chaussée D' Ivoz 83
4400 Flemalle



Fortstraat 4
9170 Sint-gillis-waas


Broekstraat 21
2110 Wijnegem


Moorseelsestraat 4
8880 Ledegem


Leuvensesteenweg 176
3191 Boortmeerbeek


Gieterijstraat 131-133
3600 Genk


Schaessestraat 30
9070 Destelbergen


Meersstraat 65
9070 Destelbergen


Pypegale 7
8647 Lo-reninge


Hoeikensstraat 7
2830 Willebroek


Drossaardstraat 2
2140 Antwerpen


Veurtstraat 66 Bb
2870 Puurs


Lilsedijk 90
2340 Beerse


Roterijstraat 29
8860 Lendelede



Cities & surrounding

Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 20 were updated and 30 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling March 2025Diagram Scrap iron - salvaging and recyclingDiagram Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling 2025Statistics Scrap iron - salvaging and recyclingStatistics Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics